The Frank X Walker Creative Arts Festival has been held in the Danville Schools since 2014 as an annual celebration of writers and artists of color! Each year the DISD collaborates with community organizations and provides a week of programming for all grade levels. This has included Poetry Readings by Professor Walker and other writers, workshops, and performances.
A goal of the festival is to include student artists, which prompted the addition of a student poetry contest. In its current form, the contest includes a visual art and poetry contest for students in grades K-12 divided into four grade band categories and organized around the student artist and writer's interpretation of a theme.
The 2024-25 theme is History and Me! How does history shape me? How will I inspire or help make history?
Dedicated and thoughtful panels of judges review the poetry and artwork deciding on the top three poems and honorable mention honors. Many thanks to the Boyle County Public Library for joining with us again this year and hosting the exhibit of the winner's artwork and poetry.
The exhibit will be on display at BCPL January 28-February 26, 2025.
Please join the Danville Schools in recognizing and thanking our additional collaborators for the 2024-25 Frank X Walker Creative Arts Festival Student Poetry and Art Contest, the Friends of the Arts of the Danville Schools and the Centre College Creative Writing Program. We hope you enjoy this exhibit of student artwork and poetry!