Memorial/Honor Program
The Memorial/Honor Program offers patrons the opportunity to donate a book or other materials to the Library's collection in memory of or in honor of a friend, relative, or special person in your life.
Click here for the materials donation form
Endowments and Estate Gifts
You can create a legacy to help ensure that the Library will be enjoyed by generations to come. Putting the Library in your estate plans will contribute to its thriving future and will allow it to make a powerful impact on the community beyond your lifetime.
The Library owes much to those who have shown their appreciation through donations and bequests that have enhanced services, furnishings, and facilities. Future gifts will further benefit the operation of the Boyle County Public Library so that it may continue and expand its outstanding service to the public.
Here's what you can do:
1. Make direct gifts to the Library anytime or designate the Library for a bequest in your estate. You can specify the gifts to be with or without restrictions, for example:
- “… where the need is greatest.”
- “…for children’s library services and programs.”
- “…for Danville - Boyle County historical collections.”
2. Designate gifts, bequests, or insurance policies to be placed in the Danville Library Trust Fund presently managed by WealthSouth at Farmers National Bank in Danville, Kentucky. Gifts could be cash or stock transfers. This fund serves as a type of endowment whose income continually enhances the operating budget of the Library.