Hometown Hub

Boyle County Public Library Hometown Hub Banner

The Boyle County Public Library is excited to announce a new delivery service for our Perryville patrons!  Patrons who live in Perryville can opt-in to have their library materials delivered to Farmers National Bank, 309 E. Second St., Perryville.

Weekly deliveries will take place on Thursday at 3:30 PM and can be picked up at the bank’s inside entrance during its regular business hours. Library materials can be returned to the book drop located outside the bank.

Bank Hours 

Monday-Thursday:  8:30 AM-4 PM
Friday:  8:30 AM-6 PM
Saturday:  9 AM-12 PM
Sunday:  CLOSED

To place materials on hold, log in to your BCPL account at boylepublib.org.
After selecting an item for hold, click on the “PLACE HOLD” button and use the dropdown menu to select the PERRYVILLE-Farmers bank pickup library option.

Screenshot of the holds interface showing the header reading "Place Hold(s)". Below that is a listing of the title to be placed on hold (Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn). To the side of that is the Pickup Library Column, which contains a dropdown listing both "Boyle County Public Library" and "Perryville - Farmers Bank"

For more information or if you need help to sign up for this service, please call the library at (859) 238-7323 or e-mail library@boylepublib.org.