Outreach Services

About the Outreach Department

The Outreach Department seeks to provide services to members of the community who otherwise would not get the opportunity to visit the library on their own to take advantage of library services.  We provide equitable delivery of materials and initiate programs that make the library available to all residents in our community, which includes daycares, preschools, and schools for children and assisted living facilities, rehabilitation centers, adult daycares, and nursing homes for adults. In addition, the Outreach Department uses the Lottie Ellis Bookmobile and Homebound Services to bring library materials to neighborhoods and individuals throughout Boyle County.

Check out our new Hometown Hub service in Perryville.

Lottie Ellis Bookmobile

The Bookmobile travels on a predetermined schedule to neighborhoods and communities throughout Boyle County. Any patron is welcome to use the Bookmobile at any stop that it makes. The items circulated on the Bookmobile include books, magazines, and DVDs. Each of these has a two-week check-out period that aligns with the bi-weekly route that the Bookmobile follows. To see all of the stops, check out our calendar! 

Items checked out from the Bookmobile may be returned at the next visit or may be returned directly to the Library. Patrons are welcome to place holds on books from the Library collection to be delivered to a particular Bookmobile stop. Simply choose the pick-up location as "Bookmobile" when placing a hold! 

Sweet Reads
  • Available through the Lottie Ellis Bookmobile, Sweet Reads is a collection of new and used library materials that can be checked out without a library card. This program is designed to promote greater access to library materials for children and families who are reluctant to get a library card. When patrons are invited to choose books from the Sweet Reads collection, outreach staff track the books by logging the first name of the patron on an individual chart along with the number of books that they are borrowing. Staff record the number of items returned and the number taken. The books all belong to the Sweet Reads program and are not tied to the library system, so there is no worry about potential fines if an item is not able to be returned.
  • Books in the Sweet Reads collection include used materials that have been removed from the regular library collection as well as new books purchased specifically for Sweet Reads through funds provided by the Friends of the Library and from donations from loyal patrons of Outreach.

Homebound Services

The Outreach Department provides a specialized service to residents of Boyle County who may have difficulty with mobility and trouble getting to the Library. This service is provided free of charge and requires filling out a simple form. Once your request has been received, an Outreach staff member will be in touch with you about your application. 

Library patrons served through Homebound Services retain the same borrowing privileges as typical Library patrons. In certain situations, loan periods may be adjusted to serve the specific needs of the patron.

Special Delivery

Those who are between the second trimester of pregnancy and their child's first birthday, (and all members of the household) will be eligible for delivery services for Library materials.

We will deliver any circulating items every other week, establishing a regular delivery route.

If you are interested in Special Delivery, use this form to let the Outreach Department know what kind of materials you and your family would like to receive.

Outreach Events and Programming

Outreach programs are provided based on community needs & interests. These programs increase togetherness between the library and the centers we serve as well as foster friendship between patrons. Programming includes (but is not limited to) story times, crafts, sensory activities, music, and games.  

Outreach staff make frequent appearances with the Bookmobile at various events in the community. Look out for the Bookmobile at festivals, special community events, and at informational programs. 

The Outreach Department is always looking for more ways to be involved in the community. If you have a specific request or would like to see the Bookmobile come to your neighborhood, give us a call! We would love to hear from you.

Bookmobile & Community Outreach